You Innovate Everything Else, Why Not Your Talent Development?

Produce Your Own Early Career Talent Pipeline

You Innovate Everything Else, Why Not Your Talent Development?

Produce Your Own Early Career Talent Pipeline

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U.S. education and workforce systems are not aligned, resulting in massive inefficiencies for industry and inequitable opportunities for young people.

Interested in hearing what apprentice employers are saying about their experience with youth apprenticeship? Click below to find out!

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The Problem


  • 40% of employers can’t find employees with the necessary skills
  • 50% of employers are disappointed by recent college grads lack of preparation for entry level jobs
  • Most corporations are looking for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, but up to 80% are “just going through the motions” and not implementing meaningful programs
  • 75% of 3,000 employers across all sectors report a skills shortage
  • 92% of employers say the skills shortage is negatively impacting productivity, staff turnover and employee satisfaction, citing lack of available training and development as the primary reason for the shortage

Youth apprenticeship creates innovative, diverse talent pipelines by changing the paradigm of employers simply being consumers of entry-level talent to becoming producers of talent. It’s a double-bottom line program that builds tangible benefit for your company and the apprentices you hire while building towards a more equitable economy.

Apprenticeship is more than an internship. Apprentices train for multiple years alongside seasoned professionals, ultimately preparing to step into a full time, entry-level role.


The Benefits


  • A productive employee – apprentices are true team members performing increasingly valuable work over the course of the multi-year training.
  • A talent pipeline of skilled, diverse workers for your most in-demand entry level positions.
  • Leadership and growth opportunities for your existing staff.
  • A valuable connection to your community and a meaningful contribution to a more inclusive and equitable economy.

Students apply with the hiring companies during their senior year of high school. It’s a competitive hiring process, just like any other professional position. Businesses select the apprentices that are the best fit for their organizations and open positions; there are no forced placements. Following graduation from high school, new apprentices attend Apprenticeship University (AU), a four week in-person paid training led by CareerWise Greater Buffalo and Say Yes Buffalo staff to build the foundational professional skills needed to be successful in the workplace. At the completion of AU, apprentices begin working on site at their employers. Apprentices spend part of their week learning at school and the other learning on the job.

Interested in learning more about an employer of apprentices?

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Employer Services

    • Maintain an apprenticeship marketplace & provides businesses with a one-stop shop for apprentice recruiting.
    • Work with K-12 districts to ensure a wide range of career-ready students are preparing for, applying to, and entering apprenticeships.
    • Provide consulting support on HR policies & tools, including onboarding, payroll, risk management, and more.

    • Facilitate businesses’ efforts to build internal career progressions that support student learning
      and the objectives of the business.
    • Tie business pathway development to broader competency and training objectives.

Interested in the occupations that CareerWise currently offers?
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    • Facilitate development of pre-workplace skills among student apprentices.
    • Support development of training centers to provide pathway-specific training, which enhances apprentice productivity and supports ongoing learning.
    • Consult on logistical questions regarding transportation, scheduling, program structure, etc.
    • Anti-biased hiring practices and racial impact analysis trainings.

    • Provide guidance, training, and tools to supervisors, mentors, HR directors, and CEOs.
    • Work with industry associations or affiliated business partners to define competencies, assessment, and training center learning plans for each occupational pathway.
    • Identify competencies to be taught in the workplace. Provide mentors and supervisors with training suggestions and progress monitoring tools.
    • Align training with relevant industry certifications and coordinate 3rd party assessments to ensure apprentices receive nationally-recognized credentials.


    • Broker agreements with higher education institutions so students can earn college credit during and after apprenticeships, enabling graduates to start college upon successful completion.
Employer Services
      • Maintain an apprenticeship marketplace & provides businesses with a one-stop shop for apprentice recruiting.
      • Work with K-12 districts to ensure a wide range of career-ready students are preparing for, applying to, and entering apprenticeships.
      • Provide consulting support on HR policies & tools, including onboarding, payroll, risk management, and more.
      • Facilitate businesses’ efforts to build internal career progressions that support student learning
        and the objectives of the business.
      • Tie business pathway development to broader competency and training objectives.

    Interested in the occupations that CareerWise currently offers?
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      • Facilitate development of pre-workplace skills among student apprentices.
      • Support development of training centers to provide pathway-specific training, which enhances apprentice productivity and supports ongoing learning.
      • Consult on logistical questions regarding transportation, scheduling, program structure, etc.
      • Anti-biased hiring practices and racial impact analysis trainings.
      • Provide guidance, training, and tools to supervisors, mentors, HR directors, and CEOs.
      • Work with industry associations or affiliated business partners to define competencies, assessment, and training center learning plans for each occupational pathway.
      • Identify competencies to be taught in the workplace. Provide mentors and supervisors with training suggestions and progress monitoring tools.
      • Align training with relevant industry certifications and coordinate 3rd party assessments to ensure apprentices receive nationally-recognized credentials.

      • Broker agreements with higher education institutions so students can earn college credit during and after apprenticeships, enabling graduates to start college upon successful completion.
Contact Us

Interested in becoming an employer partner and a champion for youth apprenticeship? Fill out the form here and a friendly CareerWise staff member will be in touch soon.